Modifications and Enforcements

Syracuse Lawyer Handles Family Court Modification and Enforcement Actions

Central New York firm represents clients in post-divorce matters

There is a prevalent misconception that when a final divorce judgment is entered, the matter is set in stone. However, changed circumstances may warrant a modification of judgments in cases involving child support, custody and alimony. Bombardo Law Office, P.C. in Syracuse represents Central New Yorkers in legal actions where one party is seeking changes to an existing Family Court order. I also handle matters in which someone is requesting the enforcement of an order they believe has been violated by their former partner. With more than 27 years of experience, I can provide an informed assessment as to the likelihood of a successful petition and deliver strong advocacy should you choose to go to court.

Modification of custody and visitation arrangements

After a divorce, the lives of parents and children go on, and if you or your ex are convinced that the parenting time arrangements in your case no longer fit the current circumstances, I offer knowledgeable counsel and representation on issues relating to potential modifications, such as:

  • Factors — As in other custody and visitation matters, the court evaluates modification petitions by assessing whether the proposed alteration would serve the child’s best interests. Any relevant factor can be considered during this analysis, including allegations of mistreatment, living conditions, educational needs and the parents’ ability to abide by the time-sharing schedule.
  • Relocation — When a custodial parent wishes to move, they must notify their co-parent regarding their plans and give them the opportunity to object to the relocation. If the responding parent opposes the move, a hearing is held. During this proceeding, the parties state how they believe the relocation will affect the child. The custodial parent gives the reason why they want to relocate while the noncustodial parent testifies as to how the move would affect their ability to maintain the visitation schedule.
  • Frivolous requests — Not every requested change to custody or time-sharing arrangements is supported by facts. In some cases, a parent might seek a modification to cover for their failure to honor the terms of the existing order. Should you receive notice that your co-parent is seeking an alteration that you believe is not necessary or is even frivolous, my firm can argue to the court that it is in your son or daughter’s best interests to maintain the existing framework.

Whatever the particular modification entails, my firm’s personalized approach to each case helps me construct a strong argument to support my clients’ position.

Adjusting a child support rate due to an income shift

Both paying and recipient parents depend on fair child support terms. Without warning, a job loss or some other unexpected event can turn what was an appropriate child support order into a hardship for one of the parties. You must remember that courts will not enforce informal adjustments that parents make to reflect changes in circumstances. If either parent’s income increases or decreases by at least 15 percent, you can petition for a modification that reflects the parties’ current situation. Reviews are also available for other substantial changes in circumstances and in cases where the existing amount has been in place for at least three years. When mothers or fathers believe that a shift in child support is warranted, I present the necessary information to the court.

Firm handles situations where an ex-spouse wants to alter alimony terms

In most cases, alimony is designed as a temporary measure for spouses who need to restore their ability to support themselves financially. Various situations can arise that would compel a court to modify spousal maintenance terms. When a recipient spouse remarries or lives with a new romantic partner, that usually ends the paying party’s alimony obligation. My firm prepares the required paperwork in these cases as well as in situations where a shift of at least 15 percent in one party’s income justifies a revision in spousal support terms, and will represent you through the entire process.   

Enforcement of existing Family Court orders

Working to establish fair divorce terms won’t help you if your former spouse refuses to honor the language in the order. If this occurs, I can help you file a motion for enforcement so that you receive the benefits you are entitled to. Whether you’re being denied child support payments, alimony checks or visitation with your child, my firm acts swiftly to correct the situation. Likewise, I also assist individuals who are being wrongly accused of violating their responsibilities set forth in their divorce order.

Contact a New York attorney about modifying or enforcing a Family Court order  

Bombardo Law Office, P.C. handles Family Court modification and enforcement actions for Central New York residents. Whether you’re looking to initiate a proceeding or are opposing a filing, please call 315-800-4002 or contact me online. My office is in Syracuse.   

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